Running Cabourotte to execute the health checks

Once health checks are configured in the Appclacks server, you need to run Cabourotte to execute them.

It can be retrieved from its Github repository and its documentation is available on [](on a dedicated website).

You should configure the discovery section of the Cabourotte configuration file to integrate it with your Appclacks server. Cabourotte will retrieve the health check configurations from Appclacks and run the health checks.

This is a Cabourotte configuration example:

  host: ""
  port: 9013
    - name: "appclacks"
      interval: 60s
      host: ""
      port: 443
      path: "/api/v1/cabourotte/discovery"
      protocol: "https"
        labels: "env=prod,project=foo"
        Authorization: "Basic aGVsbG86d29ybGQ="

The optional Authorization header contains the Basic string followed the (optional) username and password that you configured on the server, in base64

The query parameter is optional and can be used to retrieve only health checks having these labels. You can for example use this feature to dynamically configure several Cabourotte instances dynamically.

Only health checks with enabled set to true will be executed by Cabourotte.