Terraform integration

You can manage your health checks using the Appclacks Terraform provider. The source code of the provider is available on Github.

Examples are also available in the provider Github repository.


The standard Appclacks environment variables are understood by Terraform.

Getting started

More examples are available in the Terraform provider documentation

terraform {
  required_providers {
    appclacks = {
      source = "appclacks/appclacks"

# You can also use environment variables to configure the provider
provider "appclacks" {
  api_endpoint = ""
  username = ""
  password = ""
  tls_key = ""
  tls_cert = ""
  tls_cacert = ""
  insecure = false

resource "appclacks_healthcheck_http" "test_http" {
  name = "test-http"
  interval = "30s"
  timeout = "5s"
  description = "example http health check"
  labels = {
    "env": "prod"
  target = "api.appclacks.com"
  port = 443
  protocol = "https"
  method = "GET"
  path = "/healthz"
  valid_status = [200]
  enabled = true